Statistical Graphics in MetaPost
Qiong Cai (last updated on October 31, 2016)
I often used MetaPost to create graphics. After seeing Lukasz Piwek's work on Tufte in R, I would like to use MetaPost to create publication-quality staistical graphics.
Minimal Line Plot
Minimal line plot in Tufte style.
scrolling :=1; prologues :=3; outputformat := "svg"; % default font is 14pt Palatino defaultfont := "pplr8r"; defaultscale := 14pt/fontsize defaultfont; verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage{eulervm} \begin{document} etex beginfig(1); numeric xlen, ylen, tip, extra; xlen = 20cm; ylen=10cm; tip = 3pt; extra = 20pt; % draw x-axis labels for i =1967 step 1 until 1977: draw (xlen*(i-1966)/11, -tip)--(xlen*(i-1966)/11, tip);, (xlen*(i-1966)/11,-tip*2)); endfor % draw y-axis labels for i=300 step 20 until 400: numeric tt; tt := ylen * (((i-300)/20 + 1)/6); draw (-tip, tt)--(tip, tt); string ss; ss = "$" & decimal(i); label.lft(ss, (-tip*2, tt)); endfor draw (tip+tip,ylen*(5/6))..(xlen+extra, ylen*(5/6)) dashed evenly scaled 2; draw (tip+tip,ylen*(6/6))..(xlen+extra, ylen*(6/6)) dashed evenly scaled 2; % draw dots string s; numeric n, i; pair p[]; i := 0; forever: s := readfrom "tufte-1.dat"; exitif s = EOF; n := scantokens (s); i := i + 1; p[i] := (xlen*(i/11), ylen*(n/6)); drawdot p[i] withpen pencircle scaled 6; endfor % draw trends numeric size; size := i; for i=2 step 1 until size: draw p[i-1]--p[i]; endfor % draw captions label.lft("5%", (xlen*(1977.2-1966)/11, ylen*(5.5/6))); label.lft(btex \begin{tabular}{r}\textbf{\Large Per capita} \\ \textbf{\Large budget expandures} \\ \textbf{\Large in constant dollars} \end{tabular} etex, (xlen*(1977-1966)/11, ylen*(1.5/6))); endfig; end;
Range Frame Plot
Range frame plot in Tufte style.
scrolling :=1; prologues :=3; outputformat := "svg"; % default font is 14pt Palatino defaultfont := "pplr8r"; defaultscale := 14pt/fontsize defaultfont; input format; verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage{eulervm} \begin{document} etex input mp-utils; beginfig(1); numeric xlen, ylen, tip, sep,yshift, xshift; xlen=20cm; ylen=10cm; tip=3pt; sep=0.5cm; xshift=1; yshift=5; string wt, mpg; numeric n_x[], n_y[], s; numeric x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max; numeric x_median, y_median; numeric x_q_one, x_q_three; numeric y_q_one, y_q_three; s := 0; x_min := 6; x_max := 0; y_min := 40; y_max := 0; % read data points and map into (x,y) coordindates forever: wt := readfrom "mtcars-wt.dat"; mpg := readfrom "mtcars-mpg.dat"; exitif wt = EOF; n_x[s] := scantokens (wt); n_y[s] := scantokens (mpg); drawdot ((n_x[s]-xshift)/6*xlen, (n_y[s]-yshift)/35*ylen) withpen pencircle scaled 6; if ( n_x[s] < x_min ): x_min := n_x[s]; fi if ( n_x[s] > x_max ): x_max := n_x[s]; fi if ( n_y[s] < y_min ): y_min := n_y[s]; fi if ( n_y[s] > y_max ): y_max := n_y[s]; fi s := s + 1; endfor sort(n_x)(0,s-1); sort(n_y)(0,s-1); x_median = median(n_x)(0,s-1); y_median = median(n_y)(0,s-1); if odd s: ii := floor(s/2); x_q_one := median(n_x)(0,ii); x_q_three := median(n_x)(ii,s-1); y_q_one := median(n_y)(0,ii); y_q_three := median(n_y)(ii,s-1); else: ii := s/2; x_q_one := median(n_x)(0, ii-1); x_q_three := median(n_x)(ii, s-1); y_q_one := median(n_y)(0,ii-1); y_q_three := median(n_y)(ii, s-1); fi; draw (((x_min-xshift)/6)*xlen, 0)--(((x_max-xshift)/6)*xlen,0); draw (0, ((y_min-yshift)/35)*ylen)--(0, ((y_max-yshift)/35)*ylen); draw ((x_min-xshift)/6*xlen, -tip)--((x_min-xshift)/6*xlen,0) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; (decimal(roundd(x_min,1)), ((x_min-xshift)/6*xlen, -2*tip)); draw ((x_max-xshift)/6*xlen, -tip)--((x_max-xshift)/6*xlen,0) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; (decimal(roundd(x_max,1)), ((x_max-xshift)/6*xlen, -2*tip)); draw ((x_median-xshift)/6*xlen, -tip)--((x_median-xshift)/6*xlen,0) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2; (decimal(roundd(x_median,1)), ((x_median-xshift)/6*xlen, -2*tip)); draw ((x_q_one-xshift)/6*xlen, -tip)--((x_q_one-xshift)/6*xlen,0) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; (decimal(roundd(x_q_one,1)), ((x_q_one-xshift)/6*xlen, -2*tip)); draw ((x_q_three-xshift)/6*xlen, -tip)--((x_q_three-xshift)/6*xlen,0) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; (decimal(roundd(x_q_three,1)), ((x_q_three-xshift)/6*xlen, -2*tip)); draw (0, (y_min-yshift)/35*ylen)--(-tip, (y_min-yshift)/35*ylen) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; label.lft (decimal(roundd(y_min,1)), (-2*tip, (y_min-yshift)/35*ylen)); draw (0, (y_max-yshift)/35*ylen)--(-tip, (y_max-yshift)/35*ylen) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; label.lft (decimal(roundd(y_max,1)), (-2*tip, (y_max-yshift)/35*ylen)); draw (0, (y_median-yshift)/35*ylen)--(-tip, (y_median-yshift)/35*ylen) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2; label.lft (decimal(roundd(y_median,1)), (-2*tip, (y_median-yshift)/35*ylen)); draw (0, (y_q_one-yshift)/35*ylen)--(-tip, (y_q_one-yshift)/35*ylen) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; label.lft (decimal(roundd(y_q_one,1)), (-2*tip, (y_q_one-yshift)/35*ylen)); draw (0, (y_q_three-yshift)/35*ylen)--(-tip, (y_q_three-yshift)/35*ylen) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2; label.lft (decimal(roundd(y_q_three,1)), (-2*tip, (y_q_three-yshift)/35*ylen)); \begin{tabular}{c}\textbf{\large Miles per Gallon of Fuel} \end{tabular} etex, (0, (35-yshift)/35*ylen)); \textbf{\large Car weight (lb/1000)} etex, ((6-xshift)/6*xlen/2,-2*sep)); endfig; end;
Dot-Dash Plot
Dot-dash plot in Tufte style.
scrolling :=1; prologues :=3; outputformat := "svg"; % default font is 14pt Palatino defaultfont := "pplr8r"; defaultscale := 14pt/fontsize defaultfont; input format; verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage{eulervm} \begin{document} etex beginfig(1); numeric xlen, ylen, tip, sep,yshift, xshift; xlen=20cm; ylen=10cm; tip=5pt; sep=0.5cm; xshift=1; yshift=5; string wt, mpg; numeric n_x[], n_y[], s; s := 0; forever: wt := readfrom "mtcars-wt.dat"; mpg := readfrom "mtcars-mpg.dat"; exitif wt = EOF; n_x[s] := scantokens (wt); n_y[s] := scantokens (mpg); drawdot ((n_x[s]-xshift)/6*xlen, (n_y[s]-yshift)/35*ylen) withpen pencircle scaled 6; draw ((n_x[s]-xshift)/6*xlen, -tip)--((n_x[s]-xshift)/6*xlen,tip) withpen pencircle scaled 1; draw (-tip, (n_y[s]-yshift)/35*ylen)--(tip, (n_y[s]-yshift)/35*ylen) withpen pencircle scaled 1; s := s + 1; endfor for i=2 step 1 until 5:, ((i-xshift)/6*xlen, -3*tip)); endfor for i=10 step 5 until 35: label.lft(decimal(i), (-3*tip, (i-yshift)/35*ylen)); endfor \begin{tabular}{c}\textbf{\Large Miles per Gallon of Fuel} \end{tabular} etex, (0, (35-yshift)/35*ylen+1*sep)); \textbf{\Large Car weight (lb/1000)} etex, ((6-xshift)/6*xlen/2,-2.5*sep)); endfig; end;
yshift := 19cm; s := 0; forever: total := readfrom "crime-total.dat"; exitif total = EOF; total := total Sdiv 10; n_total[s] := Scvnum(total); s := s + 1; endfor pair min_p, max_p, pp; min_p := mymin(n_total)(0,s-1); max_p := mymax(n_total)(0,s-1); scale := ypart max_p - ypart min_p; pair p, c; p := ((0/s)*xlen, (n_total[0]-(ypart min_p))/scale*ylen+yshift); for i=1 step 1 until (s-1): c := ((i)/s*xlen, (n_total[i]-(ypart min_p))/scale*ylen+yshift); draw p--c; p := c; endfor pp := ((xpart min_p)/s*xlen, (0)/scale*ylen+yshift) ; drawdot pp withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 4; (format("%0f", (ypart min_p)), pp+(0,tip)); pp := ((xpart max_p)/s*xlen, (ypart max_p - ypart min_p)/scale*ylen+yshift) ; drawdot pp withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 4; (format("%0f", (ypart max_p)), pp+(0,tip)); pp := ((s-1)/s*xlen, (n_total[s-1]-ypart min_p)/scale*ylen+yshift) ; label.rt (format("%0f", n_total[s-1]), pp); label.rt (btex \large Total etex, pp + (2*sep, 0));